Digital Marketing Empowerment Programme (DiME) 2024 Series 4/2024 in UiTM Cawangan Kelantan

MACHANG, 21 July — In an effort to bolster digital marketing expertise among local entrepreneurs, the Digital Marketing Empowerment Programme (DiME) 2024 Series 4/2024 was successfully launched at Rumah Universiti, UiTM Cawangan Kelantan on June 10, 2024. In collaboration with the Unit Penyelarasan Pelaksanaan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri (ICU JPM) Kelantan State, this initiative aimed to equip participants with vital skills tailored to the digital landscape. The DiME programme is a comprehensive certification programme complete with relevant modules and the latest knowledge and skills needed for success in the Digital Marketing industry.

The event conducted from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., attracted 29 participants who was selected by the ICU JPM Kelantan State, including local entrepreneurs who are classified as poor and severely poor from all parts of Kelantan State, with a specific focus on participants from the district of Machang for the DiME 2024 Series 4/2024. The aim is to empower them with digital marketing skills to improve their income opportunities.

Facilitated by 25 well experienced lecturers, the programme featured a workshop rich in practical insights and interactive learning experiences to enhance effective marketing strategies and techniques.

Throughout the day, attendees immersed themselves in modules designed to cover essential aspects of digital marketing. The first module, entitled “Successful Entrepreneurs”, delivered by Mrs. Hazelen Mat Rusok, focused on cultivating entrepreneurial acumen critical for navigating digital market dynamics. Participants gained practical strategies for strategic planning and execution in digital contexts.

Another pivotal module, “Creating Content & Copywriting”, delivered by Mrs. Norsilawati Mohd Hassan and Dr. Azyanee Luqman, delved into the art of crafting compelling content and effective copywriting techniques. Emphasizing the role of engaging content in driving consumer interest and conversions, this session equipped participants with practical skills applicable across various digital platforms.

Mrs. Suraya Hussin spearheaded “Zero Marketing” module which centered on foundational marketing principles essential for start-ups and small businesses. Attendees explored cost-effective strategies tailored to modest budgets, empowering them to maximize marketing impact even with limited resources.

Additionally, the module on “Live Streaming” guided by Mr. Azhar Abdul Aziz showcased the growing trend of live streaming as a powerful tool for enhancing brand visibility and fostering direct customer engagement. Participants learned first-hand on how to leverage live streaming platforms to build brand authenticity and connect with target audiences in real-time. Participants were guided practically to try TikTok live streaming on that day.

In conclusion, the DiME programme aims to enable a more effective resource utilisation within a reasonable marketing budget. Participants can reduce essential expenses and focus only on effective strategies to enhance Return on Investment (ROI).

Prepared by:
Ms. Norhafizan Awang
Academy of Language Studies

Ms. Nur Hazelen Mat Rusok
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business And Management

Ts. Inv. Mohd Zafian Mohd Zawawi
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Information Management

Ms. Siti Aswani Mohd Ghazali
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Information Management

Ms. Nur Shaliza Sapiai
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Information Management