Invitation to the International Student Competition Organised by UMN Al Washliyah, Medan, Indonesia

MACHANG, 21 AUGUST - A delegation from Akademi Pengajian Bahasa (APB), UiTM Cawangan Kelantan (UiTMCK), consisting of 14 students and two lecturers, participated in The International Student Competition hosted by Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah (UMNAW), Medan, Indonesia, from August 17 to 20, 2023.

UiTMCK students engaged in the English Debating Competition and Pantun Competition, while the lecturers contributed to the International Guest Lecture session. Two teams represented UiTMCK in the competitions. UiTMCK secured notable achievements, clinching the first runner-up and Best Teamwork Award in the Pantun Competition. Additionally, the English Debating Competition yielded a first-place win and a consolation prize.

Madam Lai See May and Madam Rohazlyn Rosly, from APB, actively participated as a Pantun Competition jury member and an adjudicator for the English Debating Competition, respectively. The lecturers presented on "Effective Oral Presentation Skills for Student Leaders" and "Raising English Language Performance through Holy Scripture Memorisation (Holy Quran)” as part of the International Guest Lecture activity. These lectures fostered knowledge sharing and potential collaborations.

UiTMCK delegates promoted the institution through informative sessions and participated in the forum at the university hall as well as the International Joint Community Service activity at Pondok Tahfidz UMNAW, discussing research and publication, University Social Responsibility (USR), and Knowledge Transfer Program (KTP).

UMNAW's hospitality and fruitful interactions have paved the way for potential collaborations. UiTMCK's achievements and engagement underscore the mutual benefits of such initiatives, fostering academic and social growth.

Prepared by,
Puan Lai See May
Liaison Officer
Department of International Affairs