International Summer Camp 2023 @ UiTMCK: Embracing The Warmth in The Land of Cik Siti Wan Kembang

MACHANG, 28 August - The collaboration between the Academy of Language Studies (APB), the College of Creative Arts (KPSK), and the Cultural Unit of Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan (UiTMCK) has borne fruit in the form of the proud organization of the International Summer Camp 2023 @ UiTMCK: Embracing the Warmth in the Land of Cik Siti Wan Kembang, held from August 14 to August 20, 2023.

The inaugural ceremony took place in HRDA, UiTMCK. This meticulously curated 7-day summer camp program garnered significant attention, drawing the participation of more than 40 students and educators hailing from diverse institutions: Quanzhou Vocational and Technical University (QVTU) and Guangxi Minzu Normal University (GXMZNU) in China, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati (UGJ) in Indonesia, and Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan (UiTMCK) in Malaysia.

"The paramount objective of this international summer camp is to furnish students with an avenue to broaden their horizons through international learning, catalyse cross-cultural exchanges among students from myriad backgrounds, and erect a robust platform for the fortification of strategic partnerships among higher education establishments," proclaimed Prof. Dr Haji Abdol Samad Nawi, the esteemed Rector of UiTMCK. He further emphasized that the university had meticulously tailored courses to cater to each participant, earnestly hoping that students would bolster their English language proficiency through these academic endeavours, ultimately leaving the camp with a newfound confidence in employing the language.

In tandem with his message, the honourable Prof. Dr Haji Abdol Samad Nawi extended a heartfelt welcome to all attendees. His countenance radiated delight at the vivacious energy exuding from both students and educators. With fervent anticipation, he looked ahead to imminent visits to China and Indonesia, envisaging vibrant on-site exchanges and invigorating dialogues with UiTM's esteemed international partner universities. These interactions, he believes, will elevate the scope of collaboration among the participating institutions.

The rich tapestry of cultural exchanges, weaving together traditions, history, and the tapestry of people, has fashioned the vibrant and enchanting ambiance of Malaysia, particularly in the land of Cik Siti Wan Kembang - Kelantan Darul Naim. Over the course of the program, scholars and mentors from diverse nations will partake in a multifaceted array of activities encompassing language acquisition, traditional dance instruction, self-defence training, immersive rainforest expeditions, fabric craftsmanship, and exploratory jaunts into cultural heritage. This gathering inaugurates a transformative odyssey for all involved, a journey of growth and enrichment that beckons!

Prepared by:
Department of International Affairs