Quality Management Unit

About Unit
Institut Kualiti dan Pengembangan Ilmu (InQKA) ialah badan yang bertanggungjawab ke atas perihal kualiti di Universiti Teknologi MARA. Sebagai pusat kualiti, InQKA mengurus serta menjadi pemangkin kepada semua aktiviti berkaitan kualiti demi memastikan kepatuhan kepada Code of Practice for Institutional Audit (COPIA), Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA) serta ISO 9001. Manakala diperingkat fakulti, kampus negeri serta cawangan, ianya akan dilaksanakan oleh Unit Jaminan Kualiti atau Unit Pengurusan Kualiti. Unit ini adalah bertindak sebagai wakil InQKA bagi setiap fakulti, kampus negeri serta cawangannya.

Others Info
Sejarah kualiti mula bertapak di UiTM sejak tahun 1994. Berbagai perubahan utama telah berlaku kepada InQKA sejak itu. Sejarah perkembangan InQKA boleh dijelaskan seperti berikut:

Bagi melaksanakan jaminan kualiti berterusan, Unit Pengurusan Kualiti Kampus Negeri Kelantan adalah bertanggungjawab melaksanakan semua tugasan seperti yang digariskan dalam 'Quality Assurance and Enhancement Policy' (rujuk Appendix 1). Manakala tanggungjawab Ketua Unit Pengurusan Kualiti telah dinyatakan di Appendix 2.
Operational Excellence
Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS)
- Introduction
- Quality Management System Version 2 (QMS V2)
- Integrated Quality Management System (iQMS)
- UiTM's Jouney to Excellence
What is Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS)? The Integrated Quality Management System for UiTM is an amalgamation of the following:
- Quality Assurance and Enhancement Policy (QAEP)
- ISO 9001-based quality management system
- COPIA or Code of Practice for Institutional Audit requirements
- All levels of study programmes at UiTM - from undergraduate to post graduate
With the integration of the two, UiTM is leveraging on the ISO 9001 as an accepted quality management system standard worldwide and COPIA as the series of guidelines and codes of practice for higher education in Malaysia. The scope of QMS implementation includes the following provisions - research, teaching and learning, services and community engagement, and sustainability - depending on the area of concentration of the Responsibility Centre. IQMS is previously referred to as QMS V2.
The Quality Management System Version 2 project (QMS V2) was initiated by InQKA to revise the existing QMS that was based on the ISO 9001:2008 for the PTJs - faculties, campuses and academic centres. QMS V2 incorporates:
- All relevant policies, processes and standards applicable to all levels of study in UiTM, from undergraduate to postgraduate,
- PTJ’s area of concentration
- The requirements of the Code of Practice for Institutional Audit(COPIA),
- The Quality Assurance and Enhancement Policy (2014)
The new QMS, now known as the Integrated QMS, is now being updated with all the changes that have taken place at UiTM within the scope of the existing QMS have also been included. The project also reaffirms the role of the Management Representative, Head of Quality Unit, Document Controller, Internal Audit, and Management Reviews.
To ensure its success, a Steering Committee was appointed, comprising senior staff members who possessed academic quality experience from all over the university to improve the quality assurance processes and QMS documents. Training of people in quality (PIQ) at various levels and workshops involving the Heads of Quality Unit are conducted to impart the knowledge to develop, operate, and maintain the Integrated QMS. Upon completion of the quality documents, the new system will be run and tested. To test the new system, internal audits will be carried out and results of the audit will be used in updating the Integrated QMS for full adoption by the whole university.
The project manager for QMS V2 is Associate Prof. Dr. Roslina Ab. Wahid, Head of Quality Management System at InQKA. Under the leadership of Assistant Vice Chancellor, InQKA, the project is scheduled to be completed by September 2016.