Unit Komunikasi Korporat NEWS Hits: 111 Celebrating Success: Another Milestone Reached (Methodology of Informant Determination for The Elderly Micro Takaful Study)
Unit Komunikasi Korporat NEWS Hits: 231 Celebrating Success: Another Milestone Reached (Market Basket Analysis for Sales Transaction in Shopping Stores)
Unit Komunikasi Korporat NEWS Hits: 110 Celebrating Success: Another Milestone Reached (Financial Management Practices and Business Performance of SMEs in Malaysia: A Proposed Model)
Unit Komunikasi Korporat NEWS Hits: 113 Celebrating Success: Another Milestone Reached (Kifayah Limits and The Determination of Asnaf Among The Poor and The Needy Based on Practicing Zakat Institutions in Malaysia)
Unit Komunikasi Korporat NEWS Hits: 77 Celebrating Success: Another Milestone Reached (Exploring The Factors of Social Media in Facilitating Knowledge-Sharing Among University Academics: A Case Study Approach)