Congratulations!!! Publication of Research Paper in the Indexed Journal WOS ESCI Q4 (Translation of Qur'anic Euphemism Into The Malay Language: Problems and Solutions; [Penterjemahan Eufemisme Al-Qur'an ke Bahasa Melayu: Masalah dan Penyelesaian])

MACHANG, 29 January - Congratulations Encik Muhammad Luqman Ibnul Hakim Mohd Saad on the Publication of Research Paper in the Indexed Journal WOS ESCI Q4 titled Translation of Qur'anic Euphemism Into The Malay Language: Problems and Solutions; [Penterjemahan Eufemisme Al-Qur'an ke Bahasa Melayu: Masalah dan Penyelesaian].